The core customer of KLR Construction Cost Consultancy is the busy local Contractor:-
The busy local Contractor, coming home from a long day on site, often spending free-time and weekends in the frequently sole-destroying task of producing Estimates for Clients who in many cases decide not to proceed or where really just looking for a comparison quote and then go for a competitor, but you can't risk losing potential new work so you've got to take that chance....
See below some typical scenarios in which KLR Construction Cost Consultancy can be used to alleviate such burden from the hard-pressed local Contractor.
Budget Estimates
Typical scenario:- Having received planning permission Clients often approach a builder looking for a budget price for their proposed project, reticent to spend on full Building Regulation compliant details they want a 'ball-park figure' to help them make that decision. Having sacrificed far too much of his spare time already the local contractor can delegate this task to KLR Construction Cost Consultancy who can produce professionally presented Budget Estimates from planning set details. At this stage value engineering is often required to reduce the overall cost and bring it within the CLients budget.
Contractual Estimates
Typical scenario: - Based on the Budget Estimate produced by KLR Construction Cost Consultancy the Client has now decided to proceed with the project and has had the Building Regulation compliant details produced and would like to 'firm up' the costs. KLR Construction Cost Consultancy can produce professionally presented Contractual Estimates which clearly sets out what has and hasn't been included in the Estimate
Valuations, Variations, & Final Account Forecasting
Typical scenario: - Having won the project based on the Contractual Estimate produced by KLR Construction Cost Consultancy the contractor has been on site for 4 weeks and needs to draw some money from the project but hasn't had time to value the work nor agree the cost of proposed variation works which have arisen. KLR Construction Cost Consultancy can produce professionally presented Valuation documents including final account forecasts and costings against variation works so that the Client can make an informed decision about whether to proceed with the variation works, aware of the accumulated Final Account cost.